This project is funded by the Romanian Research Council (UEFISCDI) as an institutional award for the participation of the National University of Political Science and Public Administration (SNSPA) in the Horizon 2020 competition and the successful application of the ERC-Consolidator Project “Transnational Advocacy networks and Corporate Accountability for Major International Crimes,” led by Dr. Raluca Grosescu. The project aims to develop outstanding research in the fields of social science and humanities, stimulate Romanian participation in international research programmes, and source international funding for innovative research projects based at SNSPA.
The project develops three axes:
- To expand the research activities of the ERC-Consolidator Grant CORPAACOUNT through the analysis of corporate accountability for private military and security companies involved in gross human rights violations. This axis will create an international working group on the topic, enhance SNSPA’s international cooperation and encourage applications for new funding in the field of business and human rights (Responsible: Dr. Ruxandra Ivan).
- To encourage innovative research and attract international funding, through six fellowships awarded to outstanding SNSPA scholars. The successful applicants will develop research projects on four main topics: Climate change, environment and sustainable development; Europe and the global challenges of the contemporary world; Identity politics, migration and human rights. (Responsible: Dr. Corina Dobos).
- To enhance SNSPA’s international profile through outstanding publications and innovative conferences and workshops, including the annual conference Academos – New tendencies of research in the field of social sciences and humanities (Responsible: Magda Albulescu).
This project is funded by the Romanian Research Council (UEFISCDI) through the Grant Support PN-III-P3-3.6-H2020-2020-0190 –Excelențã Științifică SNSPA, awarded for the ERC-Consolidator Project Transnational Advocacy Networks and Corporate Accountability for Major International Crimes (CORPACCOUNT). The Grant is implemented by the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest.